Being aware of your financial situation is very important. Whether you want to get a mortgage loan, a car loan or even just be in good financial standing, knowing your credit score is the key to doing so. Unfortunately, the credit bureaus themselves require you to pay a monthly fee in order to gain online access to your credit report. And these services also tend to lack in easy to understand tips and information.
Enter sites like Credit Karma, where you can access your credit score and credit report at no cost. Credit Karma is easy to use – just fill out a few details about yourself and you’ll instantly gain access to your full credit report along with useful tips and tricks on how to improve your score. Furthermore, then even tell you which credit cards you’re likely to get approved for. With Credit Karma by your side, it’s easier than ever to figure out where you stand with your finances.
While Credit Karma is a very useful website, it’s nice to compare with other similar tools so you can get a full picture of your credit score. They provide you with information from TransUnion (one of the three major credit reporting bureaus). While this information is highly accurate, some other services like Credit Karma have more frequent updates or might be faster at providing you with updated reports. With that being said, we’re going to list out the top 4 alternatives to Credit Karma that we truly believe should be bookmarked and used regularly for anyone who is serious about their financial situation.
Borrowell is one of the best places to go online if you want to check up on your credit score. Their platform is very easy to navigate, and they also have an intuitive mobile app that lets you get credit report updates directly on your phone. Setup notifications and you’ll never miss when something changes on your credit score.
With AI credit coaching, you can easily get tips and tricks on how to improve your credit score. They AI also provides you with valuable information such as your percentage of revolving credit usage, reasons why your score may have changed recently, information about inquiries and so much more. You can also see the average credit score in your local regions to compare where you stand beside your neighbors on average. They also provide you with offers and tell you how likely you are to get approved for each one, including car loans, mortgages, personal loans, credit cards and even insurance services.
With Borrowell by your side, getting the latest information on your credit score is easier than ever. They update your credit file every 7 days and pull data from Equifax, which is why they are among our top options for Credit Karma alternatives (remember, Credit Karma gets TransUnion’s reporting, so Borrowell provides you with another view of your credit score that Credit Karma doesn’t provide).
- Borrowell gets their data from Equifax
- They have a mobile app so you can get updates from your phone
- Intuitive layout and excellent AI credit coaching
- See offers tailored to your credit score
WalletHub is another excellent place to check up on your credit history, report and score. Getting setup with WalletHub is incredibly simple – you don’t need to add any credit card info or pay anything, this service is completely free to use. Signing up takes about 5 minutes and just like the other options listed here, you’ll have to prove your identity. This is done through a few questions about your past or current credit, home addresses and such.
One of the main advantages that WalletHub offers is their daily updates. Most services like Credit Karma offer weekly updates. While nothing much will change within 24 hours, it’s still nice to get faster reporting when you need it. 24/7 credit monitoring also means that you’ll be aware of the latest updates on your credit file. Finally, WalletHub provides you with insightful information so you can improve your credit score with ease.
- Setting up your account is free and takes about 5 minutes
- They offer 24/7 credit monitoring so you can get instant updates on new credit report changes
- WalletHub is one of the free services that offers daily updates
- Keep track of new offers available to use in order to never overpay on fees or interest
Click Here to Visit Credit.com
With Credit.com, you’ll be able to easily keep track of the latest changes on your credit report. One main advantage of choosing them is they bring you 28 FICO scores, which is exactly what lenders see when you apply for a loan. Better yet, you’ll get reporting from not one, but all three major credit bureaus including Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. This is by far the most complete platform if you’re serious about monitoring your credit report and credit score.
Want to take things a step further? With Credit.com, you can keep track of rent, utility bills and more so you get a full picture of your debt ratio percentage. Credit.com also provides you with 24/7 ID protection monitoring, so you won’t have to worry about stolen identities or having your name used for loans online. They even monitor the dark web for you so you can enjoy peace of mind! While not entirely free, Credit.com does offer a one-month free trial period.
- Reporting from all three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion & Experian)
- 24/7 identity theft monitoring
- One-month free trial available
- Credit education available to members
Credit Sesame
Click Here to Visit Credit Sesame
Last on our list is Credit Sesame – a credit reporting website like Credit Karma that is very similar. In fact, Credit Sesame uses the same reporting platform as Credit Karma – TransUnion, so the information you’ll get will most likely be very similar. Like most of the platforms here, Credit Sesame is free to use and only takes a few minutes of your time to get setup. Once you’re in, you’ll gain access to your free credit report, credit score and credit monitoring tools.
Credit Sesame is great for helping you improve your score. They detail where your score is currently being affected and what you should do to make it better. Following their tips won’t guarantee a credit score increase, but they do offer amazing information to help get your financial situation back on track. Just like the others, they also bring you tailored offers according to your score and debt ratio.
- Very similar to Credit Karma
- Uses TransUnion for their credit reporting
- They provide you with offers tailored to your credit score
- Amazing tips on improving your overall score